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Seth you poetic guide to seeing the real in our world. Undelating (spelling is gone tonight) waves of revelation as the artist shares the intricacies and vulnerability of a human spirit. I love the first image...at least for right now...I feel as an artist I am experiencing the roughness around the edges striving to be free and honest. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Some great encouragement for all those of us who enjoy stepping out of the poet's garret or artist's studio into the world of another artist (and I use that term in a broad sense), with an eye to colaboration - and occasionally perhaps - to the marketplace beyond.

Smart new frontage here. 'Blogskin' doesn't quite seem to fit, somehow!

P.S. Was desperately trying to read your elusive 'sea'|'see' verses...

... sorry, a typo: that should read 'collaboration'

"new directions" to me is the best part. trying something different because one of your group led the way. Interesting article. thanks as always! ps lynne p. said" hi back to ya" lyle

Love how you put into words what collaboration is to you (and to a lot of people) and you know I adore your work Seth! Maybe collaborate one time?

Your work is always stunning. I love the deepness of thought put into your collaborations. I've participated in many chunky book swaps, but your work is on such a different level. Wonderful. And I finally got to see what you look like! :o)

Seth, thank you once again for sharing with our readers a fantastic article and accompanying artwork. I know you have inspired many to join together and start their own collaborative project.

Wow.. all of these looks so earthy! Maybe it's because of the colors or recycled materials, but I must say, it works!

thank you so much, seth and debbie, for this fantastic article. i agree wholeheartedly about collaboration. almost always, it ends up being a magical thing. (i want to do a collaboration with YOU one day, seth!) ;)

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