By Creative Contributor: Seth Apter
The following images are from Seth's personal collection and clickable for enlarged viewing.
What makes a maker of art an artist? This is a question that so many of us ask ourselves at one time or another. And it is likely that there are as many answers as there are artists. I remember a time when I asked a friend if she considered herself to be an artist. While there was no question in my mind that she was, replied to the query with a sheepish no. I could tell I touched a nerve. This got me thinking about why it might be that so many people who make art do not self identify as artists. What is it about this label that seems to strike fear in the hearts of so many?
Wikipedia defines artist as “a person who engages in an activity deemed to be an art” and “a person who expresses themselves through a medium.” This is quite a broad definition and it seems as if anybody who has even doodled during class in high school is an artist. Wikipedia goes on to add “the word also is used in a qualitative sense of, a person creative in, innovative in, or adept at, an artistic practice.” This is definitely more specific, but who determines a person’s level of creativity, innovation or adeptness?
People who have children easily identify themselves as parents -- regardless of how effective they are in that role. And those in school comfortably call themselves students -- even if they have a failing grade. But simply making art does not seem to be the only ingredient that enables all people to call themselves artists.
Maybe it is formal education and/or training that separates the artist from the non-artist? Well if that were the case, how do we explain Outsider Artists? A much debated term itself, the Outsider Artist is often thought of as an individual with no formal training, who may or may not be mentally ill, and who usually began creating their artwork with no interest in recognition or commerce. James Castle and Bill Traylor come to mind.
Perhaps it has to do with recognition in the form of sales? If that were true, what about Vincent Van Gogh? The story goes that Van Gogh sold just one painting while he was alive. Does that mean he only became an artist following his death?
How about exposure in the form of exhibitions? Well that would not explain Martin Ramirez or Henry Darger. While hardly household names, Ramirez’ artwork was exhibited throughout the United States for the first time more than 40 years after his death. And Darger’s artwork is being shown for the first time in his current exhibition at the American Folk Art Museum in NYC.
Perhaps it should be the creator of the art themselves who decides if and when they are an artist. Rather than looking toward external acknowledgement in the form of degrees, exhibitions, or sales, each of us who “creates” art can make the choice to embrace or avoid the label of artist, grapple with our identity as an artist, or just plain say it doesn’t matter one way or the other.
Seth Apter is a mixed-media artist from New York City, focused primarily on paper arts, book arts, and textural assemblage. Using layers of paper, paint, ink, text, transfers, found metal, and other altered objects, he creates highly textured and distressed artworks.
His work has been highlighted on multiple websites and published in books, national magazines, and independent zines. His blog, The Altered Page, is a visual journal of his own artwork, photography, and collaborations, as well as a showcase for artists he admires and his creative experiences in NYC.
Blog: The Altered Page
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I'm an artist and have been from the moment I held a crayon in my hand. I don't know why. Neither of my parents gave me "The Gift", I just always had it.
Sales mean nothing. Appreciation is the only reward, and that comes to me whether what I do is recognized or not.
Posted by: Dave Dubé | August 2010 at 08:30 AM
I find calling myself an artist difficult, I teach textiles in the secondary school (11-16 years) and this some how makes other people not take me seriously as an artist. Because I rely on teaching to pay the mortgage, then people think I am only paying with my art work :( I strive to be taken seriously but am not really sure how
Posted by: carol taylor | August 2010 at 08:38 AM
oh, yes. the 'artist' label nerve touched! i agree, very well stated here, the questioning of self, the fear, the...oh, call in the shrinks! where did this begin? with museums? the MASTERS? the mystery? i always have looked at work and wondered How did they do this? i didn't know where to begin. a friend and i began calling ourselves "practicing artists"...we're JUST PRACTICING. could be taken the other way, too. practicing physician. doing the work. i used to think it was some 'god'given talent to a few, making art. accepting what happens as i play with materials/media has helped demystify that notion. and yes. darger and other 'outsiders' brother with down syndrome was an artist to me. truly picasso-ish pieces game right out of his hand with crayon and marker. once in awhile, when he'd be working, he'd mumble: "oops, i goofed. OH WELL" and then he'd continue. he's gone, but i've taken his lead. i am an artist. and seth, your blog world/disco influence helps many of us realize that.
Posted by: nancy neva gagliano | August 2010 at 09:44 AM
Very thought provoking and well written Seth... you covered it beautifully.
Some days I feel more like an 'artist' than others ... I have thought that I am not a "fine artist" as in someone who draws and paints, but I do create mixed media work that feels like art ... I have heard myself say "I am an artist" ... still a tricky business ... that ...
It is something I will continue to ponder ... can't wait to read the comments ... thanks as always for inspiring with your commentary and artwork Seth!
Posted by: ~*~Patty | August 2010 at 12:57 PM
I recently met a woman who told me about how she had given up the violin playing she loved about three years ago when she had her baby. I asked her if she, as a musician, ever resented the fact that she couldn't find the time at the moment to fulfill that part of herself. She replied "Oh, I am not really a musician !" I was puzzled/saddened by her comment - anyone who plays an instrument like the violin is a musician in my book !
It made me think about myself, and how I have finally totally and completely claimed the title of Artist. That happened slowly as I realized that I could not have a whole and complete life without creating and losing myself in self-expression for at least some portion of my life. It was also confirmed to me just the other day when I found out I will have two pieces of mine in an upcoming book about creativity. This is the artist Kim leaving her mark on the world. I feel I am now an artist inside and out. And proud to call myself Kim de Broin Mailot, Artist.
Wonderful and thoughtful essay, Seth. Thank you as always for the brain and eye candy !
Cheers !
Posted by: Kim Mailhot | August 2010 at 01:02 PM
I personally have been wrestling with this very thing and have talked about it on my own blog. I was a suburban stay at home mum for 12 yrs before I picked up my art career again. I have all the necessary academic qualifications, a BFA and an MA in Visual Culture, I exhibit and sell my work, but I am still surprised when others introduce me as an artist! Even tho this is how I make my living, teaching and making art. I am always looking over my shoulder for the real artist in the room. I know I am creative, that arty things come naturally to me, I'm a good teacher, and I am still puzzled. I don't know what the answer is, but perhaps I feel it is too late to begin a new identity after so many years of being "mum".
Posted by: deb | August 2010 at 01:33 PM
My 2 cents on the subject...
I've never teally had trouble calling myself an artist. I did have trouble taking art classes so am self taught. For me, art has always had no boundaries, and art classes I tried to take years ago really tried to enforce boundaries. I really, really wanted to take art classes - thought I needed that to be "an artist". But after several failed attempts decided to be an artist on my terms. And that works for me. I've never really got the whole debate of craft vs art. You have to be artistic to craft, right? Atleast to craft creatively. But then, of course, art, craft, and creativity are all so subjective so I'm sure I've got people disagreeing with me on that! I may not be a master artist but that's okay with me. I want my art to always grow. If I was at the top of the heap and a master where would I go from there??? The journey is the destination. And if earning a living at art makes you a professional artist then I am not that, nor do I want to be. I want to make art for me, not for others. If I sell a piece now and then, there's more money to replenish supplies. I appreciate and recognize all forms of art and respect what it takes for each person to call themself an artist in their own right. And it is your own right.
I wish everyone felt that way...
Great work of art Seth! LOVE the texture!
Posted by: Kimber | August 2010 at 04:50 PM
I don't know if I would "feel" more like an artist if I sold some of my art or not. If I sold some of my art I would be afraid that it might become "work". I just enjoy creating. I haven't had any formal education either. So does that make me an outsider? I feel like an imposter if I say I'm an artist. Some deep rooted fear of failing possibly. Having to live up to the ideal artist.
Posted by: Lisa at Greenbow | August 2010 at 05:53 PM
Great article, Seth!
I think whether or not people call themselves an artist really has to do with fear and self-esteem. When you really know who you are (in all aspects of your life), it's easy to introduce yourself.
Posted by: Linda Woods | August 2010 at 12:03 AM
Thank you Seth for another thought-provoking discussion. While most of us struggle with this issue at times, I really think it goes deeper. A person with an artistic nature has a hard time living inside the boundaries that comprise the general daily social norms. Thus, an artist will naturally rebel against any labeling of their personhood. Once a label is adhered, it's natural to try to live up to it, but the nature of this particular label is change and exploration and breaking through limits. It also deepens the do vs be dynamic that often runs more deeply and apparently in creative souls, and that can be painful. The act of creating helps to relieve this tension. So, are we artists or are we arting? It doesn't really matter, let's just have fun exploring!
Posted by: Kathleen Harrington | August 2010 at 12:57 PM
Ah, here I am, late again and haven't read comments because i'm at work and have to be brief
she said, blabbing on
but here's my deal with this deal:
I think what has happened in so many avenues of experiencing life (such as, in cooking, in writing, in training a dog, etc.) there are people who want to excell because it's their passion, and then, upon excelling want to separate themselves from people who may be excelling but don't feel the need to separate and so don't make themselves out to be more-than.
I'm trying to say that it seems that many of us don't want to call ourselves chefs or trainers or teachers or artists or writers because certain other people or organizations have given those exercises such loftiness (by way of their very legitimate achievements and discipline and contributions to the crafts) that those of us who do not need or want the label of expert or a sense of having 'arrived' thereafter feel not worthy to be called one such as those people who have been labeled artists, teachers, writers, chefs, or designers.
But, we are.
Posted by: Chris | August 2010 at 01:55 PM
what a fantastic article, seth! a is also for awesome!
i've met so many people that have had this same struggle, including myself back in the day. when i was about 22 i lived in a small apartment above an antique art gallery. the most amazing place with the most amazing old paintings. the owner was (and still is) a wonderful french man who is to this day a very, very dear friend of mine. just after we met, he introduced me to one of his friends as "the artist who does web design that lives upstairs". i later told him that i wasn't an artist -- i just painted and dabbled in art. he laughed and asked why i would say such a thing. i told him that i had never taken any classes in art, had only sold about a dozen things in my life at that time and wasn't "good" like the paintings in his gallery. i added that i didn't feel i'd reached my full potential (does anyone?) and said that maybe someday i could be an artist. he told me that a peach is still a peach, even when it isn't ripe, just as i was an artist even if i didn't feel i was fully "ripe" either. i don't think that you have to have formal training or x number of sales to be considered an artist anymore. if art is your passion and you create because you love it, because you feel a deep need to do so to survive (like me), then you are an artist. i have volunteered to teach art to many children and school classes over the years and tell them the same thing -- if they have a passion for what they are doing, they are artists. the title has no limitation on age or skill or medium, in my book.
Posted by: alicia | August 2010 at 02:02 PM
It's just a label and if you need one fine. Audiences are fickle and fads come and go. Truly great ones are timeless. Honesty and emotion may be at the heART of it. If you have a voice, use it.
Posted by: Ceparie | August 2010 at 11:21 PM
well, i think in the world of art i travel in (mixed media) - it's sort of stuck between the cracks for people. they either really like it or don't get it. those who do get it have no problem addressing the maker as an artist. but for those who don't, they tend to think "that's not art". so often, for many just starting out, it's a confidence thing. they don't get support from families or spouse and co-workers find their art "strange". so no wonder, it's hard to call ourselves artists! often though, when it moves past the hobby stage and you start to getting noticed, maybe an article published, you begin to believe in yourself and then eventually when asked, "what do you do?" you proudly say, "I am an artist.
Posted by: kecia | August 2010 at 03:07 PM
great article Seth, grazie!
Posted by: caterina giglio | August 2010 at 11:06 AM
I think the first time I said, with confidence (at least I tried to sound confident), "I am an artist" was the one of the boldest things I've ever done. Making that statement can open up questions & comments that I wasn't sure I was prepared for or wanted to deal with, but it was worth it!
Great article, Seth! Thanks, Joanie
Posted by: Joanie Hoffman | August 2010 at 11:14 AM
very clearly written, seth, and i especially loved and agreed with the "having children = parents, no matter how good/bad u r at it", as well as "being at school = students, no matter what're yr grades". also, loved and agreed with Alicia's comment about "an un-ripe peach still being a peach".
i call myself an artist for many years now, even though i only had a 10 yrs period of being full time, self employed and living off it. the rest of my years it always was secondary to my full time 'other', 'real' job, but even then i saw myself as an artist 'trapped' in a 9-5 job. my recent idea was always the only thing that went through my mind all day long. i was always on 'auto pilot' at work, while i was really solving technical problems in my head. when asked - i always refered to myself as an artist, despite the looks (and probably gossip) i got at work for using such a 'pompous' title. it's similar to all the actors/pop stars/dancers (who do mundane jobs while for ever hoping to be discovered). it's also that we are flooded by so many 'wannabees' and delusioned people who mistake their idle dreams of fame and fortune - with the real thing that the humble, modest, real talented ones got. i think the reason behind many artists' doubts and insecurities of defining themselves as artists, stem in our childhood, and in the traditional up bringing that most of us got: most of our parents, teachers, and career advisors drummed into us: being an artist when u grow up? it's a dream! art is a nice HOBBY, but u need to 'grow up' and get a REAL 'responsible' job and REAL qualifications: something that is 'SAFE' and with GUARRANTIED income.
Posted by: Dalia Bar-Dror | August 2010 at 04:02 PM