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Hey! A great narrative/interview with Alicia. I found her about a year ago when we both participated in Seth Apter's Treasure Hunt, and have been following her ever since.

Well, this is my best friend in the whole wide world and still she surprises me. I had no idea she was up for an interview here! What a dark horse aye?? Love you, Alicia - your work is Class with a capital C!

Great interview!!!

I think it doesn't matter at all if Alicia does any self-promotion she is a rising star and is destined to be a big name in the art world. Her work is so inspiring and unique it's just bound to happen. Well it is happening right now so there ya go!!!

I'm honored to feature one of her pieces (the very first gallery spot!) in my upcoming book and am equally honored to be her friend.

Dave, Debs & Kerin,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Alicia's interview. It was an honor to feature her. She is very talented and has a huge art future ahead of her.

Fantastic interview. It is great to get to know Alicia better. She is a sensational artist and such a wonderful person. Her heart came through loud and clear in this interview. I love the fact that one of her goals is to set more goals!!!

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